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Monday, February 15, 2010

First Month: Cold, wind and RAIN

Gosh, what can I say! Quite a change from the Bay Area, and then again, not so much.

The view is gorgeous, the air is rich in oxygen, and the people are really friendly. Life at its most idyllic; time seems to wink and slowly float by on these blue waves. The winds seem to periodically change their mind, and shift direction, just to keep you on your toes. Otherwise you might fall asleep in the hammock (just kidding, its still too cold for that just yet!).

So far all our energy has been spent on cleaning up and organizing, with multiple trips to Ikea and our 'Home Depot', adjusting to the pace, and learning to speak Turkish. Just when I think I have a grasp over the conversation, I discover I lost the train of discussion long ago, and completely missed the point. Its almost like thinking I was on the Coastal Starlight , only to discover I had grabbed the Midnight Express and was headed to no-man's land. Best thing to do? Jump Off! So my mind wanders to internal discussions, and I just pick up where I last left off on the personal debate.

Last night we had dinner at an old restaurant (but new owner) in town, with a neighbor Jack and some relatives. It was Valentines, so the town was crowded with families, lovers, and a bus full of Greek tourists. Everyone seems to want fish, specifically Levrek, which they proudly boast was exported to the White House when Bill Clinton held the reins. It was, they croon, his favorite dish, and this is the only place you can find it!
I personally do not like fish, nor does my 8 year old, so we opted for kebab. Everyone seemed in a fabulous mood, which in my opinion had more to do with all the Turkish Raki (anise alcohol) being passed around that with the love related to Saint Valentine.

Today the glorious Aegean sun is gracing us with its presence, and the gulls in heated debate overhead, and all is right with the world.

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